There is the belief that we humans are influenced by forces and energies outside what we can see, smell, taste and touch. Some of these forces are natural to us such as our subtle energy bodies, universal laws, etc and some are not.
The J-seals (or Jehovian/death Seals) are 7 such influences that are not natural to the Angelic Human DNA system.

People who work with light energies, healing, alternative therapies etc often refer to different realms, levels of consciousness, the subtle anatomy/energy (chakras, auras etc) and it can sometimes be confusing because this stuff is not taught in schools. This is again one of the external influences that effect us; our education system is designed to suppress our natural energetic abilities in favour of the negative energy of the consumer society we live in.
Most people live out their lives without ever realising there is more to “life” than our physical reality. There are also those who know there is more but don’t really want the rest of us to be aware of and embrace it. Their best defence is to label us as weirdos, woo woo or witches etc. in an attempt to discredit our beliefs and the work we do.
One of the more extreme negative influences we are at effect of are the J-seals, imprinted in the earths grid by negative forces from other planets and transferring to us as we are born.
Our true genetic blueprint is one of long and fully actualised lives, spiritual awakening and ascension but these seals prevent this.
As humans born of this planet we have a series of lines in our subtle anatomy or light body that match the lines of the earth that in turn match the energy lines of the galactic and universal energies. Think of them as carbon copies, repeated throughout the cosmos. There are 12 of these lines that run vertically across the globe and they are known as the axiatonal lines. These lines are the power cables for extra dimensional or virtual energy to the chakras, meridians etc. It’s how we connect to the wider energies of the cosmos.
We find the J-seals on the 7th axiatonal line that is reflected in the left hand side of our body and we are imprinted with them at the moment of birth. Their purpose is to prevent our natural human ability to ascend and connect to higher realms and consciousness. The effect on us a diminishing of our light, veils of illusion, inability to embody and express our true soul essence, obsession with false realities and physical disease in the areas of the body where they sit.
In addition to the 7 J- Seals the process eliminates other unnatural distortions such as the Zeta Seal, the Crown of thorns, the Templar Seal, cellular death programming and the metatronic seal.
A few years back it would have been very difficult for people to wrap their heads around this concept but with today’s technology we can use the analogy of the world wide web to think of it as part of our human/cosmic wifi system. It’s always there but we have to tap into it to get the most out of it and there are also some nasty “viruses” that we need to cleanse out of the systems in order for it to run properly. In much the same way as we keep having to run anti-malware and antiviruses on our pc’s, we have to do the same to our light bodies. This is “energy work” in a nutshell.

As part of your ascension journey it is important to have these seals and distortions removed, preferably by a practitioner who can check that you are removing them from your own energy, not a clone or copy. It is a session you need to participate in rather than done remotely as there may be specific manifestations that relate to you that you need to discover and be aware of as part of your ascension journey and realisation. Undergoing this removal also benefits the entire population and planet by helping to restore the original human DNA that works in harmony with this earth in mutual support and love. The presence of the seals creates a barrier to prevent light and love from existing and expanding across the globe and holds us in a state of low energy frequencies such as pain, despair, depression and fear – unnatural to the authentic human DNA.
In the same way that we are a copy of the Earth and cosmic energy grids, removing them from our energy helps to remove them from the corresponding axiatonal lines throughout the earth and beyond, to infinity. Doing so creates a path for light and healing to access the earth’s crystalline grid, restoring balance, harmony and annulling the effects of the dark forces and depleting their power over the earth and thus humans on it.

Post session it has been reported that people experience a lessening and often eradication of physical ailments on the left side of the body, increased connection to self and ability to connect with higher realms with greater ease, and an activation or improvement in clair skills and psychic affinities, improved circulation, respiration and self love. These benefits can be felt anytime from 3-12 months after the session and beyond.
Once removed you do not need to have them removed again.
This session can take up to 90 minutes and it is recommended that you schedule it for a time when you can fully relax afterwards.
To book contact us and request available times.